
Age: 30 | Sex: Male | Height: 6'2"
Likes: Exercise
Dislikes: Staying in one place

A traveler who is never seen without his tattered cloak, he is difficult to perturb. He carries with him what little money he has, using his alchemy kit to live day-to-day. His past is a mystery, even to those who know him well, but he seems to be on some sort of search, the specifics of which he refuses to share.


Age: ??? | Sex: Male | Height: 0’5″
Likes: Eating and sleeping
Dislikes: Dougal

Dougal’s Familiar, a very portly and well-aged icebat. Unlike most Familiars, Isaac has the peculiar ability to talk, and, furthermore, has the self-righteous attitude of an Imperial. Though Dougal cannot explain this, it does help keep him in line.


Age: 32 | Sex: Male | Height: 5'9″
Likes: Tinkering, science
Dislikes: People with an IQ below 130

Born and raised in the Imperial capital, he has an incredible superiority complex and the attitude to match. However, no one can dispute his skill with both alchemy and machinery – or the genius-level intellect that sealed his Academy membership. Why he is even in Isenbarr is the real question…


Age: ??? | Sex: Female | Height: 5’7″ without horns
Likes: Peace, meditation
Dislikes: War

A member of the feran race who lives among humans, she does not quite fit into the societies of either. A shaman, she possesses unique mystical abilities, and works as a peacekeeper to help end prejudice between humans and ferans.


Age: 52 | Sex: Male | Height: 6’4″
Likes: Hunting, swordfighting
Dislikes: Imperials

A hunter who sends his catch back to his small town in the north, he seems like a simple-minded strongman with a jovial personality, but possesses an intriguing secret. He has an ongoing feud with the guard captain over the strength of the martial arts.


Age: ??? | Sex: Male | Height: ???
Likes: ???
Dislikes: ???

A master alchemist who fled the Empire and has been living clandestinely in an abandoned tower. It is said that he went mad attempting to finish his magnum opus, a clockwork machine of incredible complexity.


Age: ??? | Sex: Male | Height: 8’7″
Likes: Playing with a friendly master
Dislikes: Overheating

A clockwork beast, he is the summation of Megistus’ ultimate research. He is fully sentient, and possesses a “soul” created using alchemy. Although fearsome in appearance, his limited intelligence has caused him to adopt an incongruously childlike demeanor.


Age: Top-secret | Sex: Female | Height: 5’8″
Likes: Sneaking around, receiving intel
Dislikes: Divulging secrets

An attractive and clever secret agent in the service of the Empress, she has come to Isenbarr to execute a certain mission, and she hopes that Dougal will be her ticket to completing it. Is her attraction to Dougal just a tool in order to get what she wants?


Age: 36 | Sex: Male | Height: 6’0″
Likes: Helping out around town
Dislikes: Cheapskates

A friendly innkeeper who owns a homely place known as the Hotberry Inn. He has won “town’s best cooking” awards multiple times, and has a lively but shy daughter, Nira, who tends to go off exploring on her own. He lives on modest means, and is quite religious.


Age: 28 | Sex: F | Height: 5’9″
Likes: Praying, happiness
Dislikes: Evil

A priestess who possesses the mysterious divine gift of foresight, she leads the congregation of the local church. Although normally kind and caring, she wishes for Dougal to leave, believing his stay in Isenbarr will end badly…


Age: 153 (human years) | Sex: Male | Height: 6’4″ (without horns)
Likes: Martial arts, punching things
Dislikes: Lazybones guards

The town’s guard captain, a gruff former soldier of fortune who is jaded to just about everything, and then some. He has fought for both humans and ferans, but has now decided to care about neither. Although most people call him an old man, he maintains that he is just reaching the prime of his life, and retains his prodigious martial arts skills that he claims no person on Permia could ever match.


Age: 32 | Sex: Female | Height: 6’0″
Likes: Health insurance
Dislikes: Deadly diseases

One of the most prominent physicians in Isenbarr, she is known for her no-nonsense medical skills and exorbitant prices to match. Having studied both in the Empire and abroad, she has an encyclopedic knowledge of the maladies of both races. However, she does seem a bit overqualified to be living in such a place...